
I Choose You!, opened in 2021, is a clique based from the Pokémon series and is a revival project from the original clique called Defender created by Lady Dinobug. I'm sure most of you by now can tell that Pokémon is just one of favorite franchise and I wanted to continue this clique to bring other Pokémon enthusiasts from around the world. It brings a lot of good introspection and memories I've had over the years. I love the wonderful array of emotions this game captures!


Version 2 features the official Pokémon artwork designed and coded for resolutions 1280x960 or higher. This layout was inspired by the list of Pokémon music nostalgia because it reminds me a lot about the simplicity of my childhood. I've tried to replay a few games, but they just don't hit the same, unfortunately. The music, however, still gives the same amount of comfort as it always has! Below are the following sites/people I'd like to thank in various ways. Other resources used can be found at Memento.
  1. Aelyn - For taking her time to install Listing Admin and heavily modding it
  2. Listing Admin - Fanlisting script
  3. Serebii - Latest Pokémon updates
  4. Pokémon Databases, Ezerart & darkusshadow - Sprites
  5. Zerochan & akumalovesongs - Images
  6. Fonts - Just Darling Hearts (WhatFontIs), Mali & ABeeZee (Google Fonts), Pretty Neat (DeeFont)

Link Back

To your right are buttons that you can link back to this clique with. Text links are perfectly fine as well. If you're feeling generous in contributing some button donations, feel free to send them in!

Exit / Contact

Any questions regarding the rules or errors you'd like to report, as well as link exchange/affiliation, contact me!

Exvius    Whimsical    Soulheart
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